Saturday, April 15, 2017

Jim and His New Project

Jim would be very lost and unhappy if he didn't have a major project to work on.  The Jubilees commentary is finished and at the printer's.  He is now devoting his research time to a much different project and yet related to the work he has done all his life.

The project?  A biography of Robert Henry Charles (1855-1931)--a man whose name I have been hearing for years because in many ways, Jim has been his successor on the books of Enoch and Jubilees. I keep thinking that Charles, if he only knew, would be so tickled to see someone tracing his career and his own research with such enthusiasm.
I can't seem to rotate it! 

Charles was an Oxford don and a canon at Westminster Abbey.  He was born and educated in Ireland.    His work brought him to Germany and Scotland and France.

Jim has found amazing resources at Notre Dame, including the large volume dated 1892 pictured here.  He has looked at microfilm from 1902 at Notre Dame.  A correspondance is developing with archivists at Oxford University Press, Westminster Abbey, Bodleian Library, and Trinity College in Dublin.  There may even be some material in Edinburgh.    Then there is the D'abbadie castle near the Pyrenees where some intrepid explorer bought manuscripts after travelling in the 1830s.  And the British Museum where manuscripts  "fell into British hands"  after Ethiopian King Theodore was defeated in 1868.

I envision a month for both of us tracing Charles' life around the United Kingdom and Ireland--if not  France.  Maybe even golf courses would be involved because one source listed Charles' hobbies as golf and light literature.

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