Sunday, May 12, 2024

In Praise of Facebook


Today is Mother's Day.  Jeff and Susan sent a beautiful bouquet a few days ago.  Laura sent greetings this morning with a text photo of her and R in Paris--with a group of other mothers and daughters; they plan to hear a Taylor Swift concert. Dan and Alexandra called this evening and did Facetime with us from their home in the Catskills.

 We didn't make it to church this morning because it was cold and rainy and easier to do Livestream when we have a several block walk from the municipal parking lot. So it is a bit of a melancholy day home alone with Jim--and grateful for his presence with me at least! 

On impulse when Facebook sent me a memory of a photo Susan posted in 2019 of Jim and me and baby Jeff, I shared it to my FB Feed with the caption "A long, long time ago I became a mother."  

That post has generated many likes and loves and so many comments that I added another comment saying "This is why I don't give up on Facebook.  On a rainy afternoon in Princeton, New Jersey, those comments bring me joy and connections!"

There is a comment from one of my 5th grade students (my first year of teaching) I had mentioned in an earlier blog, "That's my teacher!" There are several comments from high school friends and one from a Harvard student housing friend remembering how we hung out diapers together.  Neighbors from Raleigh remembered us.  A friend from our church in South Bend wondered when he first saw the photo if it was of "Weather Underground leaders re-emerging after years on the lam."  A couple of former Family LIteracy students commented.  Other friends from our South Bend church said they missed us!  Many wished me a Happy Mother's Day.

My heart is warmed to think of friends from each era in our lives--and the opportunity to keep up contacts with them that Facebook provides.  

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