Monday, August 19, 2024

The Baby Game


Seven years ago, Laura and Michael rented a large cottage in Ocean Grove, New Jersey and invited the entire family to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  It was a great week with beach time and lots of good eating.  I had tried to think of ways that the whole family (with a variety of ages among the cousins) could participate in activities and I came up with a scavenger hunt and a baby game.  The scavenger hunt paired older cousins with younger ones and asked for cell phone photo proof of their finds.  It was a great success and got everyone exploring the village of Ocean Grove. 

The other activity was a baby game.  I found baby photos, printed them up in black and white, and numbered them 1-14.  The goal was to match the baby photo with the adult or child.   Our winners with perfect scores were the two mothers among us--Susan and Laura.  This year at Ruth's request, the baby game was found and brought along. I added two more photos to the mix--Henry and Alexandra. Two of the older cousins had their special friends along--and they joined in trying to recognize the matches.  Ruth was very pleased that this time she had a perfect score!  

57 years ago on August 24, 1967, Jim and I made our vows and how grateful we are to celebrate with 18 of us in the family photo this year!  (Thanks to our resident photographer Susan who set up the tripod and remote camera and kept us all smiling!)

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