Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Covid Vaccines Again

 I got notice that we could get a Covid booster at CVS again.  I made appointments for both of us very easily online at a local Plainsboro CVS where we had done previous vaccines.  We checked in when we arrived and had no wait at all to be helped.  When I mentioned how efficient all this was compared to our struggles to get that first vaccine, the technician agreed and said how easy it is to forget how life was at that point.  Empty store shelves, hospitals overwhelmed by folks in the ER, not enough ventilators, churches and schools closed.  People are still getting Covid and we hope we will avoid it.  We are drinking lots of water today and wondering if we will feel some side effects later.  We are feeling very grateful to be able to do this step so easily today.  

September 18  We both drank lots of water and had no side effects at all--just felt the injection spot when I lay on the side last night.  Happy to be vaccinated and hope it really works!  As we shopped at Target this morning, I remembered that was the first place we went that said we had to be masked to enter when folks were aware of the dangers of exposure.  

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