We were able to spend some time with Laura before the speech and had a Subway lunch with her afterwards. It was a long ride but it was so good to hear our daughter in action. Speaking for civic groups, corporate groups, and women's groups has become one of her major sources of income lately and she does well at it.

Her speech, even though she graduated before the seniors were born, was full of references to Indiana Academy life. The students laughed hard at her mentioning the practice rooms at Burris Hall--where plenty of romancing went on 20 years ago--and must still do so today. She called out a couple of her teachers saying they were 15 year old professors at the time. She sympathized with the teacher who took a group tent camping 20 years ago--now that she is a Cub Scout mom.
Her advice for the graduates--Do one memorable thing each day. Learn something new every day. Make one human contact each day. And pay attention to what you really enjoy doing and follow that. She felt that her work involved many areas that she liked--research, writing, entertaining, and even math with her time studies. She avoided the "n" word and the "p" word--network and passion.
I have thought about my life. Do I follow my daughter's advice? Yes, I do look for "adventures" or memorable things although they may not happen daily. I probably learn something every day--even if it is a new word like "portmanteau" from our crossword puzzle yesterday. I may not make a new human contact daily, but I try to be aware of someone I can encourage via an email or text. What do I really enjoy doing? Hmm. I'm not looking for a career any more but I follow lots of interests online.
Sunday was my day to play the organ at church. I was too tired to practice again Saturday night but was blessed with a great night of sleep, after a few off nights. I practiced Sunday morning and did the service with joy--even if there were a few power-point glitches. (Always a bit disconcerting to wonder why no one is singing a stanza!)
Sunday afternoon I went to an American Guild of Organists meeting where Hillary Doerries encouraged us as church musicians to promote good mental health in our churches. It was good for my mental health to be there and to sing many hymns, new and old, that recognized depression and anxiety and the need for faith.
Today is Memorial Day--a day to prune bushes, do laundry, run errands, go for a walk, and not much else. We were ready for a quiet day. We have tried to be aware of the sacrifice others have made for our country and to lament the tragedies of war.