Saturday, April 30, 2022

Inspiration--a New Look!


A week ago we were invited to share a pizza supper with our neighbors downstairs who are moving to another apartment in the complex in a month.  We had wanted a second floor apartment but observing how lovely our back yard looked from their ground floor apartment gave us an idea.

So this morning we moved the loveseat across the room and suddenly the outdoors has come into our lives and I like it-a lot!  We can easily open the doors to let in fresh air.  I don't think we will be stepping out on the Juliet (aka smokers') balcony however. It is very narrow! 

What I missed most about the house on Deerfield Loop was our three season room where we felt as if we were living in a park with our wooded back yard.  I had been thinking of a short vacation trip to the mountains where we could enjoy the outdoors.  But this may satisfy my longing with less effort.

Amazing how deep the holes are left by the loveseat in the carpet. And as always, we found coins, pens, and other debris exposed when we moved furniture.  

My spirits are lifted with this new look after almost three years of apartment living. 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Birthday Dramas


I share a birthday with the Queen of England.  I think her official birthday celebration is in June when the weather is better.  Today's social media posted this photo of the queen with her horses, one of the loves of her life. Apparently she is spending the day at her five bedroom "cottage" in Sandringham, a place Prince Phillip loved.  

I am ready now to celebrate my birthday after a day of anxious waiting for the results of the PSA test Jim had done on Tuesday.  It has been two years since Jim's last radiation treatment.  At first his PSA tests were scheduled every three months; now it is six months.  Getting the results has not always been easy but today when he called the doctor's office, the aide said they were available.  And the number was good--very good.  As it has been for the last two years but we don't take it for granted; we are very thankful and relieved.  

---------------later in the evening: 

We ordered takeout from On the Border to celebrate but when we went there, they did not have our order.  "Are you sure you ordered from us?"  the fellow asked.  He checked again and they realized their mistake--a shift change in the kitchen--which does not sound like a good excuse.  So we sat in the restaurant and ordered again which was OK although we feel safer eating at home.  We had some ice cream cake in the freezer left from a cancelled previous occasion so that was a treat too.

from my husband!

I am grateful to have heard from family and friends who are happy with us for our good news.  Now for some NBA basketball playoffs or baseball or golf to cap off our day!   

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Covid (continued)


Yesterday Jim and I had our second Covid booster.  We are well over 65 and our previous booster was six months ago so we qualified to get "boosted" again.  As we did for our first booster, we scheduled with my CVS app and drove ten minutes to the CVS in Plainsboro.  Our appointment was at 3 pm.  By 3:10 we were on our way home.   Neither one of us had any side effects from the shot--not even a sore arm this time.  There were no fees and the proof of vaccination was recorded on my Docket app already today.  

In the last month, we have been very aware that Covid is still with us and very much a threat.  A young man we know is a teacher in a local high school.  He wore a mask and kept social distancing rules.  But when 150 students in his school tested positive, he did not escape.  He got sick; his mother who had hugged him got sick; and sadly his one-year-old son also got sick.  All have recovered but it was sad to cancel a first birthday celebration because of Covid.

Then Sunday my walking buddy emailed me to say that she too had Covid.  She probably contracted it at a big family wedding party the previous Sunday.  She and I had walked on Wednesday but we were outside and that was three days before she had symptoms so we assume I escaped infection.  She is feeling better but was "woozy" for a while.  

So we are very aware of Covid's continued presence in our community and among those we consider good friends.  We will continue to wear our masks and avoid indoor gatherings.  And pray for an end to this pandemic.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday

It was still a Covid Easter Sunday in that we worshipped via livestream from our living room again.  So it was Nassau Church at 9:15 but I also did our church in South Bend at 10:30 while I was working in the kitchen.  They were two very different services but both very worshipful and full of Easter hope.

This year we were able to get together for a family dinner.  The Conways invited us to Gladwyne and everyone was able to be there with the exception of one grandson who was in college at RPI.  Dinner was served around 2 pm with the traditional ham and Susan's wonderful rolls.  Dan and Alex made very appropriate and tasty hot cross buns.  I blanched some asparagus and made a lime dip to go with the vegetables.  Plus I made two round cakes ready to be turned into the bunny cake that R likes to make with her grandma.  I was amused to see how excited little H was to have a "bunny cake"
--especially the frosting.  

We toured the Conway estate on a lovely spring afternoon.  Those who were making their first visit to the new "old" house also took a house tour.  Laura and Michael have really had a lot of work done to make the house liveable and it is beautiful.  The carriage house, pool, and pool house are left to be done at a later time.  

It's just a bit over an hour drive to their house from our apartment.  Dan and Alex had a 3 1/2 hour drive from the Catskills.  But the Conways have made the trip twice to their place with five kids in the car--for the wedding party and Thanksgiving dinner. How thankful we are for each one of them--15 of us in all with just J missing.  

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Four Hand Piano


Many, many years ago a high school friend and I played four hand piano duets for judging at our local Solo and Ensemble Festivals.  My memory is weak but I know at least one time we received a First rating that enabled us to go on to the State Festival.  As it happened, our high school basketball team played in the state finals on the same Saturday as the music festival.  Did I remember to thank my dad enough as he drove us to East Lansing, Michigan for the game and then on to Kalamazoo, Michigan for the piano judging?  We were very sad at our team's loss and I remember the judge saying that we played the melancholy folk song so well but we were like a different twosome on the bouncier, happier one. I think she compromised on a Second place rating.  

All of this is coming back to me because a few weeks ago I dreamt I was playing piano duets with a young man who leads our Lenten Bible Study.  He is a very accomplished pianist and a piano teacher in the New School in Kingston. (founded by Frances Clark, well known in piano pedagogy)  I told him of my dream and he was willing to give it a try to make my dream come true!  I found the music and he prepared his part as I had tried to get my part under my fingers again.  

Tuesday evening, we got to our meeting early and he and I read through "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier" one of Four Fantasies on American Folk Songs by Douglas Townsend.  What fun!  We stumbled a bit but we ended together in triumph!  He had another piece for us to read through--fortunately for me, an easier sight read and it was quite lovely.  The piano teacher in him at one point complimented me on my phrasing!  I am sure I had a big smile at that kind comment. 

My duet partner emailed me the next day to say that we should do it again.  So I am motivated to try another one of the "Fantasies."  I am so thankful to have my little digital piano which surprises me with its sound and its response to my touch.  And of course, it will never go out of tune and if we move from here, even if I have to move into assisted living, it can go with me easily enough.