Saturday, May 21, 2022

Two Grandsons

On Tuesday we headed an hour south to Harriton High School for J's choir concert.  He sang in the concert choir and as a freshman, even sang in the select chamber choir.  The program was varied ranging from a Mozart Gloria to Bridge Over Troubled Water.  We were happy we could join his mom and sister to enjoy the concert.  The trip home however was challenging with road construction and a sudden sign closing the ramp to Route One.  We found our way but did realize that travel in the dark on busy roads has its problems.

This weekend is Princeton's Alumni Weekend and Laura's postponed 20th reunion (because of Covid).   J wanted to be part of the P-rade today so we invited him to come to our house for the night so Laura did not have to travel back to get him this morning.   It was a joy to have our grandson as a solo visitor.  We got pizza takeout and later he attempted to get his favorite beverage from a Starbucks but sadly it was closed early.  So he got his second best treat with a  Dunkin Donuts beverage.  J showed me how to do the "happycolor" app on his phone and watched some NBA with us.  He and I played a game of Scrabble.  My earlier 40 point lead disappeared when he judiciously used a Z on a triple letter space and won. As it was almost 11 pm, I conceded! 

 This morning Laura returned from her night using granddaughter Katie's apartment on campus and had breakfast with us.   Laura and J are now on campus buying J a Princeton shirt and then they will both march in the P-rade this afternoon in 90 plus degree heat.  

In the background this morning we had Jim's laptop set on the RPI graduation where we watched our oldest grandson James graduate with a degree in computer science.  His parents and other grandparents are there.  It is great that we could participate via livestream--and we will celebrate in person tomorrow with a cookout.

We moved to Princeton to be able to join in our children and grandchildren's lives and we are thankful to be able to do just that!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

In Church In Person


In the last two years because of Covid restrictions, we went to Nassau Presbyterian Church just once for an in person service when our friends' grandson was baptized.  We had been to in person services in South Bend--both in the sanctuary and outside--when we were there last fall.   Last week we decided it was time to get off our couch and go to church again.  We had worshipped every week via livestream however even checking in on the virtual fellowship pad. 

Worshipping in person takes some planning because you can't just drive up to our church on the main street in Princeton, park the car, and walk inside.  We parked in the municipal parking garage and walked several blocks to church.  We masked up and found seats in the every other row seating options.  

It was good to be worshipping with others again.  I was happy to sing with others although my glasses kept steaming up as I dealt with mask issues.   We feel like newcomers at church even after two years because Covid has made it difficult to feel like we belonged.  However, we were happy to greet and be greeted by two couples from the Lenten small groups we had joined and by our friends from Raleigh days many years ago, the Moorheads.  Fellowship should not be the primary reason to go to worship but it is good to see and greet familiar faces.

Next week?  We shall see.  We were warned that it will be alumni weekend at the university and that may cause more congestion for parking.  We were also reminded several times that summer worship times are starting with one service only at 10 am.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Jim is Honored


A few days ago Jim got an email telling him he was elected to be a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  Yesterday the FedEx package arrived with a few more details.  It had been sent to his former department at Notre Dame and had to be forwarded to us in Princeton.   Jim joins an illustrious group of fellows including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Willa Cather--and a few others from our own era that we know personally (all of whom were members of our rather small church in South Bend)--George Marsden, Al Plantinga, and Mark Noll.  This year's group of over 250 folks includes Glenn Close and Salman Rushdie so it is a collection of scholars, performers, and artists.   There will be an induction event in Cambridge, Massachusetts sometime next year.  Jim needs to write an acceptance letter, some of which end up being framed and on the wall of the Academy offices.  

  A joy of the last few days has been his getting emails from former colleagues at Notre Dame and folks who are already members of the Academy who are congratulating him.  Notre Dame was quick to seize on the publicity and a public relations person has contacted Jim for his comments.  Jim received emails from the head of the theology department and from Father Jenkins, the president of the university.  I passed on the news to our children, one of whom was curious as to who had nominated him.  Well, a bit of detective work has answered that question when we saw who was copied into the letter of nomination that was in the FedEx package, not the original email. 

Jim is retired but continues to enjoy doing his research.  His work and his contributions are not over.  I am very proud of Jim's accomplishments and so happy to have him receive this honor!