Friday, August 31, 2018

Cottage Week

A few cottages from us--no beach at all!
Tuesday:  Maybe it will be our last week renting this "historic"  cottage right on Lake Michigan north of Tunnel Park.  We didn't rent last year and if we move East next summer, we may not rent again!

Riley Woods
It's a beautiful day right now but Jim and John had to give up golf when the weather was so wet overnight that the course couldn't open this morning. We have had one very cold day and night and then the last two nights were very hot--and no air conditioning.  The breeze off the lake helps a lot but 80 degrees inside at 11 pm is still warm.

Cobb Salad--Boatwerks
We have had three good walks--to Tunnel Park, in Riley Woods, and on the boardwalk at Ottawa Beach. We ate on the patio overlooking Lake Macatawa at Boatwerks twice--with Jim's sisters and spouses on Monday and with Lois and John after a happy hour on our deck today.

We've been here five nights without a spectacular Michigan sunset.  It's been so cloudy that the sun slips quietly away.

Wednesday:  Last night it rained so hard during the night that I woke up feeling rain on my face in bed.  It rained much of the day.  When it cleared in the late afternoon, we walked the trail and climbed the 239 steps to Mt. Pisgah and enjoyed a great view of Ottawa Beach and Lake Macatawa.

At last tonight the sunset was glorious and kept getting better and better over the next 45 minutes.

Thursday morning:  The changing weather has been a factor all week.  Last night was so cold that I put a sweater on and used an extra quilt.  This morning it was 52 degrees outside!

We have adapted to our surroundings when it comes to doing crossword puzzles together.  Without a daily New York Times in print, we go to the archives and do a puzzle together but each on our own laptop.  It certainly is neater when you make a mistake to delete a letter or two.  It is also easier when you are giving up to ask for "reveal" or "check" for a letter or word.

I've missed watching the Cubs which we have been unable to get televised after last Saturday.  I listened to a bit by radio but Jim does not enjoy that.  He gets updates and enjoys (usually) the recap on his phone.  They  won seven in a row but lost yesterday.  A new pitcher (Hamels) and a new infielder (Murphy) have been sparks for them.

Jim finally got on a golf course today.   Meanwhile I met a friend from my childhood, Judy Spanninga Schickel, at Ottawa Beach Inn for lunch.  We had not seen each other in 50 years and had a great time catching up and looking at old photos.  I wish I had asked someone to take a photo of us.  The waiter was very patient with us and said we could stay until closing at 9 pm if we wished!

Friday morning:  The sheets are in the dryer; we'll make up the bed when they are ready. We are drinking our coffee and almost ready to pack up and go home.
It's about a two hour ride and then I jump into my activities--practicing the organ for the service on Sunday, getting ready to tutor a new student on Tuesday, checking out the yard for issues, planning meals, getting groceries, and back to my purging of our stuff.

It's been a good week.  It was good to be out of our usual routines and now it will be good to be back into them.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Digging into Jim's Stuff

Bluebooks from student
days in the 70s
I have gone through most of my stuff.  I am hesitant to tackle my journals because I tended to write in them as therapy.  They may be depressing.  The photo albums look overwhelming so I'll postpone them until later too.  I can't get rid of everything.  Just yesterday I received a request to tutor another adult at Hope Ministries so I'm glad I saved some of my teaching materials.

So I started in on Jim's stuff!   Rather than asking him to do it on his own, I have been bringing up several folders each day from desk drawers in the basement.  He has recycled almost everything I bring to his attention.  In fact, I am the one who says we need to save this or that.

 I saved the letters of employment from North Carolina State University--the first one offering him a tenure track position as an assistant professor for $13,000.  This was 1976 and we thought that would do very well for us.  Each year there was another complimentary letter from Bob Bryan, the department head, with a nice raise.  There were letters recommending Jim for a teaching award and a research award.  They were worth keeping too. We did throw out  rejection letters and there were a few of those as well.  We don't need to be reminded of the tension of job searches.

There were lots of Dead Sea Scrolls clippings.   For several years, the release and publication of the scrolls was quite controversial with accusations of bias and withholding information.  Jim was quoted in our local papers as well as some national papers.  I kept single copies of some of the articles, but we did have in one case, at least four of the same thing!

Today's pile includes Jim's seminary and Harvard notes.  Yesterday's was the notes from his years of teaching undergraduates at NCSU.  Tomorrow's may be the pile of sermons he delivered as a guest preacher.

When Jim retired, he gave so many books to graduate students and donated others to the Theological Network which meant some ended up in an Ethiopian seminary.  But there are so many more.  Downsizing from really two rooms at home with books along the walls and an office surrounded by books is going to be painful and difficult for him.  Good thing we have plenty of time to do this with no date for a move set yet.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Boxes seem to be muliplying.  I thought I was finished with boxes of cards and letters and programs and clippings and then another one shows up.  Once again, the trash and recyclable bins are getting full.  Many items are hard to throw out.  Maybe when the moving time gets closer, I'll get more disciplined.

I took apart a scrapbook I made at age 15 when my family took a trip to Quebec and upstate New York.  I have a friend who collects postcards so she got all of those.  I remember parts of that trip well.  My dad who may have been leery of driving on steep Quebec streets hired a driver to give us a tour.  That driver offered me and my sister cigarettes and I was thrilled to be treated like a grown-up.  He also brought us to a convent, rang a bell in this dark entryway, and a nun came out of the darkness with a skull in a jar--supposedly some explorer from early times.  No wonder that sight has stuck in my mind all these years!

I found clippings of the 1956 Hudsonville tornado that killed several in the area and devastated many homes and businesses.  I remember being in our basement and wondering if our relatives were OK and Jim who lived much closer remembers seeing it.  Our high school Latin teacher was a woman who went back to college after the tornado killed her husband and child.

There was a touching photo of my Dad smiling from his hospital bed in a veteran's hospital in Detroit where he spent a year recovering from back surgery in 1950.  For me that stay was an adventure; for my mother and him it must have been so difficult.  They wondered if he would ever walk again.  But in later years of his life he was known as the walking man as he walked miles to get his morning donut with his buddies.

And then there was the album of high school graduation photos.  As I pulled them out, I tried to remember names.  I quizzed Jim on them.  Long forgotten folks came to mind--especially when we looked at the back for identification!  With some reluctance, I threw most of them out.  We have yearbooks that will preserve those names and photos.

There was an autograph album from 8th grade full of silly rhymes like "By hook or by crook I'll be the last to write in your book."    "1 car 2 kisses 3 weeks later Mr. and Mrs."  It made me smile and I decided to save it--for now.

So many people have come and gone in our lives.  There were lovely notes from my 6th grade students, letters from Scotland friends, letters from graduate student days at Harvard,  and  letters from North Carolina friends.  There were letters from family members mailed to the many places we have lived over the years.  It's hard to think how important all those people were in our lives and now some of them are gone and most of them have disappeared from our lives. 
At the same time I am feeling grateful for new friends here in South Bend.  Emails from two of them brought tears of gratitude to my eyes yet yesterday.  Texts from Dan and Laura and Jeff were also received happily yesterday as was a phone call from Dan.   But of those there are no records for me to peruse, Lord willing, ten years from now.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Closing Several Chapters of My Life

There is a certain sadness if not mourning about getting rid of stuff around this house.  It's saying that I am probably not going to need these things again--things that were important at the time.  In some cases, it's recognizing that someone else could use them so why should they sit in our closets or in our basement?

Yesterday I gave a younger friend our Thermos gallon jug.  I carefully wrapped up the remaining pieces of our wedding glassware for the Salvation Army.  I should give away our large picnic cooler and the wicker serving trays.  I'm hoping our daughter will take my mother's silverplate and my aunt's 12 piece china set.  We're not going camping again and we probably won't be hosting any more large parties.

I put the notes from a Math Academy summer course I took in the recyclable bin.  I dumped some--not all--the notes we had from the Snite Museum docent class.  I will bring the books on Family Literacy and Early Childhood Development to the central adult education office and see if anyone wants them.  I parted with piles of reading charts but kept a few along with some books just in case I tutor another beginning reader.

I did not dump the notes I had from teaching math puzzles and games.  Maybe  our grandchildren will do them with me.

My daughter said that Yes, she does want her Barbie and Ken dolls.  My younger son wants his Arthur Clarke books.  The older son said to give him the old videotapes of high school quiz bowl matches and Duke basketball games.  They can decide what to do with the reports and emails and programs I saved for each of them over the years.  I have not received answers yet about the Nancy Drew books and the old laptops.  If I don't hear from them, they are out of here!

One friend was happy to take the postcards I had saved.   Two others took recipe boxes and old cookbooks from my aunt and my mother-in-law.  It makes me happy when someone else can have delight in things instead of my consigning them to the recyclable bin.

And then there are the hundreds of slides we have taken over the years.  I threw out all those that were faded, unrecognizable, or just plain boring.  So many memories especially of the 13 weeks in a pup tent in Europe in 1970 came back even if it was almost 50 years ago!  I know I will never see Rome or Athens or Istanbul or Paris again.

 I am thinking about doing a free book giveaway at church next spring.  I could give a cup and saucer set to several good friends--as a memory of our friendship.  I've already given away two original art works and there are many more that will have to go to good homes.  It's good to be able to do this over a period of time.  It's amazing that I have found things to get rid of every day however for the last month. I wake up in the morning and wonder what it will be today!