Laura was off on an adventure with the three older children. Alex (age 5) was supposed to have a sleepover with us so that he could have an adventure too but he was not feeling very brave. So Michael wondered if we could come to spend time in Gladwyne with them. We left Saturday morning hoping to be in time for Alex's teeball game but that was cancelled due to rain. So we spent the afternoon hanging out with Michael and Alex and Henry (almost 9 months). Michael took advantage of our being there to get in a long run. Later in the afternoon, Jim and I took Henry for a walk in his new stroller. Henry chattered most of the way making happy baby noises.
After supper Michael with some difficulty was happy to find the Aggies playing a conference game with Vanderbilt on the SEC2 network. The Aggies were supposed to be a 35 point favorite; the final score was a 17 to 12 win. Michael paused the game a few times in order to get Henry to bed; I convinced Alex to surprise his dad by secretly getting ready for bed and pretending he was asleep. It was a good surprise for his dad! The game was not pleasing to Michael but it was a W!
Henry does not sleep soundly so Michael was up a few times during the night with him. At 7:30 am we sent the patient Daddy back to bed for a while and helped with the boys.
Henry is the happiest little fellow and responds with big smiles to us. When I would sing a song like Row, Row, Row your Boat, he would make motions to do it again and again. He is just beginning to crawl and we were amused to see how motivating the Minecraft sword was to get him moving in that direction.
Alex and Minecraft--that is his world but it is one big puzzle for Jim and me. Fortunately, Michael seems to understand it and is willing to patiently play the video game with him even if he says it can make him nauseous!
At 11 today we headed to Alex's rescheduled teeball game in Aardmore. En route Michael showed us the estate he and Laura are buying. The setting was magnificent on a private road with a large expanse of lawn. We will be eager to see the historic house and gardens later this year or next. They probably won't be moving until work is done which may be next spring.
Teeball was a trip down memory lane with a lopsided score and kids unable to find the bases easily when running and fighting with their own teammates to field a ball. Henry was happy enough sitting on the blanket outside or being held by his dad or grandpa watching the game. It will be his life for many years as the young one with four older siblings.
We left for home after the game. Our house seems strangely silent but at our age that may be best. Having livesteam church meant that it was available to us at 5 pm.
Living here on the east coast makes these short visits possible. In a few weeks Michael may .be going to an Aggies game with a few of the older children. I think we should offer to help Laura out on her single parenting weekend.