Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Reading Mysteries
Breath Prayers (written in late September)
Trigger alert--If you are reading this post and voted for President Trump, you may want to stop reading right now! I don't want to offend anyone but I also want to record the events and my reactions in the last few weeks.
----------September--During the months when Jim was receiving radiation, I spent some time each day using "breath prayers." I breathed in "healing" and breathed out "fears." I think this calmed my spirit. We are in a good place right now for Jim's healing although he will have regular blood tests.
I thought that I should continue to use these breath prayers to calm my spirit about the political process and the upcoming election. I prayed these breath prayers at the grotto along the tow path yesterday. It was a beautiful spot and very peaceful. I could see reflections in the canal and hear the rustling of the leaves making a canopy over me. But when I prayed for healing, my anger takes over.
Yesterday President Trump refused to say that he would accept the results of the election should he lose. He says it will be rigged and would have to go to the Supreme Court. It is unimaginable that we should have a president who refuses to leave office if he loses. It makes me sick in my stomach to hear about this threat to our country and to read that the Russian media is expecting civil war in the United States. There have been vocal Trump supporters telling folks to buy ammunition and we know Trump has called out federal troops to clear out protestors in Lafayette Square when he wanted his photo op holding a Bible at a nearby church.
Jim says there will be others who will uphold the law. I don't trust the Republican senate to do so. I hope I trust the Supreme Court--even if the 9th appointee is appointed by Trump in the next few days and approved by the Republican senate. If it is Amy Barrett from Notre Dame, I think she would vote her own mind and not be beholden to the one who appointed her.
But I am scared and angry. So when I tried to pray for healing for our country yesterday, I just felt angry at the disastrous situation we are in. There is an ignorance of science and a lack of civility at the top of our government. How can Trump hold rallies with people close together and not wearing masks? How can we trust a vaccine if it is rushed through by election day? How can we respect a leader who uses name calling to mock his opponents? Who just yesterday made fun of Joe Biden saying he has spent all that money on plastic surgery just to hide behind a mask! What a juvenile way to treat an opponent and to make the crowd cheer in approval!
This will be the third post I have written and not actually put on my blog. I hesitate to offend anyone--although with very few exceptions my small number of readers would agree with my point of view. But my blogs are written for me--as a record of our lives and for my Blog2Print book at the end of the year. And this is what we are living through right now. Jim tells me not to read what folks post on Facebook. But I can't avoid the news. I turn on the TV news while doing my exercises or see it come up every day on my online news sources. It is not easy to ignore.
So I will try to pray for healing for our country. My anger does not do me any good. I want to be proud to be an American and feel patriotic again.
--------------October 23 I still haven't posted this blog. We have voted and put our ballots in a box at the township offices. 47 million have already voted. There was another debate last night. I can't imagine that many have yet to decide how they will vote. Earlier this week I woke up at 2 am and found myself praying for a peaceful transition after the election. I have voted in presidential elections since 1968 and have never felt the need to pray for a peaceful result. But this time I do hope for a change but also if there is one, that it is done without the instigation of violence and charges of fraud which Trump has threatened.