Thursday, June 18, 2015

Work-Life Balance

Today was a good day in the life of a retiree.  I no longer need to even think about work-life balance or work-life integration or whatever the term might be.  But I do like to think about a balance of activities of exercise, sociability, and service.

I had a good hour long walk at 9 am with a friend.  Time goes fast when you walk and talk.

I checked on my garden plot at our church garden and did some weeding and thinning of the zinnias which were thriving from the seeds I planted two weeks ago.

After a shower and a quick lunch, I went downtown to Hope Ministries where I met a resident who needs to improve her math skills in order to pass the TASC exam--Test of Adult Secondary Credit--the new GED.    She has proved to be a quick learner and we are trying to be as efficient as possible in a limited time.  I really enjoyed using the experience I have had over the years in this limited situation.

While I was downtown anyway, I browsed at the library bringing home four books which I may or may not read.   Years ago I taught a GED class at the library and was happy to hear someone call my name and greet me warmly.

Home again for a phone conversation with my sister, some time reading and napping, fixing supper, and enjoying it with Jim.  Laura's nanny sent me a great photo of two of the boys and two other friends emailed with photos and news.
The evening--maybe the Cubs, more reading, a crossword puzzle, checking Facebook--all pretty relaxed and easy.
And then such a good day was followed by a night of poor sleep for whatever reason--maybe a short nap that was too late in the afternoon, definitely the sore hip  that is often a problem, maybe some difficult memories.  It doesn't help to analyze the situation.  I am glad today is a day without a schedule.  I have no obligations.  Today that is good.

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