Friday, June 14, 2024



This is a blog about doing almost nothing.  This cartoon in The New Yorker spoke to me!  Jim is so good about taking his three walks each day and getting at least 10,000 steps.  I am thankful he does so because I want him to live a long time! He encourages me to walk with him to "the ugly tree" down the path next to Mapleton Road if I haven't walked from church or in a grocery store or yesterday to meet my friend Peggy for a chat. 

I try to do my "squats" each Day--which is a crucial exercise for folks like me.   I also do a short routine I found on YouTube for those who limp because of hip problems.  And something is helping relieve my pain--along with my once a day Aleve.

I pay small amounts for Better 5 videos and then don't do them.  I never have liked group exercise classes--the ones I tried at Forever Learning in South Bend didn't work out well for me.  I am thankful for the cane Jim bought for me.  I have made my peace with using it--even in public going to church and the library.  I use it while walking in the house and miss it when I misplace it.  

I find that if I write down those bits of exercise in my "to do list" for the day, it nags at me to do them and then I get to check them off as done!  I know it is essential to keep moving for avoiding heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and all kinds of bad things.  But it is so easy to sit in my "headquarters" as Jim refers to it--the corner of the couch--while on my laptop like posting this or with my volumes to read. 

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