Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate


I am alone this afternoon while Jim golfs.  I was thinking of a potential blog topic and this cartoon spoke to me.  Tonight is the first and maybe the only presidential debate--early in the process when in reality neither Trump nor Biden are the official choices of their respective parties.

It's like the lure of watching an accident along the side of the road.  The pundits write about the importance of this event--but seem to emphasize the mistakes each man could make.  I asked Jim if he was going to watch it and he said "No."  I probably won't either but I may check out comments and fact-checking as it is going on.  

Supposedly Biden has been at Camp David rehearsing for days.  Trump says he has no need to rehearse although some think he is doing more than he brags of not needing to do.  He has been disparaging the moderators even though he had agreed to these CNN hosts.  He is claiming in vulgar terms that if Biden is energetic, it is because he has taken performance enhancing drugs.

My despair is that I wish neither of these men was running for President.  Trump is a danger and his plans for another term are frightening for our country and for our world.  Biden should have allowed a younger candidate to step in months ago.  How can either one of them have such inflated egos to think that they are the best candidate possible?  And who knows, at their ages, something could still happen to change the whole picture.  Their possible vice-presidential running mates are not reassuring choices either.

I pray nightly for our country and for good leaders.  After tonight, I may add a few thoughts to this blog.  .  I am not optimistic! 

-------------We did not watch the debate.  I only briefly checked the fact checkers and despaired.  Today the pundits say Biden was weak and Trump lied.  It was a nasty debate with both men speaking in a less than civil manner.  They did not shake hands which is not surprising.  Now what?  Some are speaking of Biden's withdrawing and having an open Democratic convention.  I didn't read the same for Trump.  One Facebook friend said what about John Kasich as the Democratic candidate?  Now that would be interesting!  A moderate Republican running as a Democrat!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I share your thoughtful comments on the presidential race. Neither of us watched the debate...I turned on CNN the following morning and was so sad to see how our country was represented on both sides. Yes President Biden should have stepped aside long ago. He is not the same person as he was 4 years ago...none of us are. I am afraid for our country in the coming years and hope your prayers along with mine and many us. From: Nancy
