I haven't blogged since my birthday a month ago. I didn't feel well due to some recurring insomnia and I didn't feel like blogging in that kind of mood. Plus I couldn't think of a title to get started.
The insomnia is better and I decided I really didn't need a new title but could just update the old one. However I couldn't bring myself to call it "Year70" as a way to search for it. It is my 70th year on this earth and I will turn 70 next April d.v.. (deo volente--Lord willing!). But that is such an awesome thought--and sounds old, very old to me at times.
So the name will be mvanderkam.BlogSpot.com. Easy enough!
Jim and I thought about "Three Score and Ten Minus One" or "By Reason of Strength..." but the end of those verses in Psalm 90 are pretty grim with their mention of "toil and trouble" and being "soon gone." We laughingly talked about the end of Ecclesiastes with its reference to the "grinders that cease to grind" or the "silver cord is snapped." All pretty dismal.
Life has been a bit dismal in the last six weeks with finding ways to overcome insomnia. Telling oneself to relax and go to sleep or that sleep doesn't matter is not the way to do it. Sleeping pills for me are definitely not the way to do it. I've been in this position before and gotten over it and I am getting over it again, thank God. There is much to look forward to in the next year and to be grateful for and there are ways to be of use to others.
And blogging has been fun for me and I have ideas again so here goes!
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