Since retiring, I have volunteered as a docent at the South Bend Museum of Art and the Snite Museum at Notre Dame and as a tutor at Hope Ministries (a homeless shelter.) I volunteered as an organist for years before retiring so that doesn't really count in these musings about choices.
5th Graders at SBMA |
Tutoring at Hope Ministries is like an extension of my working years but it so much easier with just one student at a time and no paperwork or meetings. I am using my skills and experience and feel comfortable with the students who have been very responsive and appreciative. So I will continue to work with the students I have now and when they move on, agree to others.
Playing the organ for church services is a challenge for me. I enjoy preparing the music but I often lie awake on Saturday night knowing how much energy and concentration it takes to lead worship. I don't actually worship much on those Sundays when I play. I know that it is important to lead congregational singing well. So for now, I need to continue to serve in this way. There are no other musicians standing in line to take my place!
So if I give up the docent work, what else should I do? What would be good activities for Jim to do? It would be nice to do something together. At one point, we were both "readers" at a local elementary school. That is an option. Maybe delivering "Meals on Wheels" or library books to the Homebound. We don't have handyman skills or much desire to travel for service projects.
Please suggest any ideas in the comments!
I think doing something with the elderly would be great as well as reading and spending time with smaller children. So many in both these age groups need kindness and compassion in their lives.