Wednesday, January 17, 2018


January 17- Jim flies home today and Sue VanEngen and her sister Esther fly in.  If all goes well, I should be able to time the drop-off and pick-up perfectly.  The weather here is great and so far the flights are scheduled to be on time.  We know from experience that it can go quite differently.  The east coast and Texas are having terrible storms.

I woke up very early and so did Jim.  We were both restless during the night.  I am a bit apprehensive about taking over the rental car driving.  I am also sad to say good-bye to Jim.  At the same time, I am eager to share this beautiful place with friends.

Jim and I have a comfortable routine.  Sue and I have traveled together before on a memorable trip years ago to Scotland to see Lucie and George Marsden and did very well.  In spite of some uneasiness, I am happy to stay another week in this lovely place and warmer weather.  Jim is ready to go back to his research and office and at least two job talks for replacements for him at Notre Dame.

The past three days have been quiet ones.  On Sunday we found the aquarium at Guy Harvey Resort and enjoyed watching the 131 fish and a father and two sons swimming with them.  Jim watched  NFL playoffs and I joined him for some sports time.

 On Monday we ventured to Tyrone Mall where I bought a cute top at Loft for 60% off the sale price--and then struggled trying to find underwear to supplement what I brought along.  I would not pay Dillard's prices, waited in a long line at Penney's to find I had misunderstood the price, and then ended up at Marshall's down the road.  I was foolishly stubborn about what I was willing to pay!  We enjoyed browsing at a 3-2-1 Bookstore but didn't buy anything.

Yesterday we took an hour long walk on the beach in warm weather.  Our sweaters came off!  We had supper in Pass a Grille at the Brass Monkey on the deck watching a long-lasting and spread out sunset.  At that point our winter jackets felt good.  When we got back to the condo, we suffered along with all Irish fans in a double overtime loss to Louisville.

This morning I have carried five bags of groceries to Unit 412.  Our suitcases and books, etc. are next.  The unit is smaller but may be even lovelier in its decor than this one.  Sunrise Resort is a winner!

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