On the rare times when I am thankful for what President Trump tweets, like his willingness to sign an order keeping families together at the Mexican border, he quickly and incorrectly blames others for the situation. When there is a chance for compromise on an immigration bill, he says he will not sign it and then he pleads with Congress to pass one. While we are paying thousands and millions of dollars for security for frequent trips to his Florida resort, he is cutting dollars to reunite separated families.
President Trump has an insult for anyone who opposes him--his own party or others. I can't keep up with the changes in the administration and don't blame those who cannot work with him. He praises dictators in Russia and North Korea and insults our former allies like Canada or France or the United Kingdom.
I try to tell myself that when we protested the administration in 1968, people were dying. The same was true when we went to war in Iraq because of the "weapons of mass destruction" that didn't exist. People lost lives. The United States became an enemy of Iraqis like our dear Sister Luma whose family were victims as a result. I need to put the situation today in perspective.
But I am ashamed and embarrassed that our president uses nasty and vulgar language and still meets the approval of so many. Or that he can change his mind seemingly on what he hears on Fox News. Or that he appeals to the racism and prejudice of his "base." (I have begun to hate hearing that word!) Or that so many "evangelical" Christians continue to support him. A poll reported today by the NYT says that his "base" is digging in and supporting him no matter what he does. There are a few Republicans (Senators Flake and McCain) who object publicly but sadly most of them are not running for re-election.
I have emailed my representatives many times. I doubt very much that my letters influence Representative Walorski or Senator Young. I would like to give money to Senator Donnelly but I am reluctant because he is already using funds to post negative ads against his opponent and he has taken money from the NRA. I don't want to give up contacting those with power but I am cynical about it doing any good.
Those who call President Trump nasty names in return are not helping their cause. Or those who refuse to serve Sarah Sanders at a restaurant or heckle Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant. (That may not have been the wisest place for her to visit under the circumstances!) The whole situation encourages a lack of civility and grace and love.
I have shared occasional political pieces on Facebook but those are mostly just "preaching to the choir." I have not posted anything that insults anyone. But I am constantly angry about what is going on and regret that there is a silence on important issues with many I love. I try to pray for our president. I find myself also praying for his wife and his youngest son Barron.
So this is our life right now and that is why I am blogging about it I'll hold it for a few days and think about it before posting.
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