Saturday, September 28, 2019


One of the difficult things about moving was leaving the doctors we had used over many years.  Our dentist made it easier by retiring.  Our family practitioner was cutting back some hours.  Jim, however, saw several specialists which complicated matters.

It also made our decisions urgent when Jim broke a tooth almost immediately upon our arrival in New Jersey.  We found a local dentist--very local.  She practices in an old house in nearby Kingston and doesn't always have assistants and certainly does not have modern x-ray technology.  After several appointments, Jim has his new crown and all is well.

Also complicating matters was that our AARP plan changed from a PPO to an HMO.   We asked family and friends and found an internist, Dr. Chattha.    She began with new patient visits and follow-ups and now we both see her for complete physicals next week.  What that involves we do not know.   It may  mean that we can skip the insulting Medicare competency questions which always make me so stressed that I do feel and may appear incompetent.

I got out my laptop and from Dr. Chattha's list tried to find specialists that would take our insurance.  Jim has now seen an opthamalogist and a rheumatologist.  We have both seen a nurse practitioner at the dermatologist's office and then had follow-up visits with the doctor himself.  Jim has two more visits scheduled with him for procedures and one more with the rheumatologist.  He has had a bone scan for the first time--never was asked to do it before.

I have followed up with Dr. Chattha because of my recurring insomnia.  She sent me to a cardiologist who is scheduling two more tests--a stress test and a calcium scan--but also got me started on a new (old, actually) drug that has already lowered my heart rate after one dose.  Dr. Chattha may ask for more tests and another referral.   I am going to cancel the gastroenterologist referral because a colonoscopy is more than I can deal with right now.

Is this what it is like to be 73?  I hope it all settles down soon as we get into regular routine appointments instead of all these consultations and follow-ups.  I know we need to be thankful that there are doctors here for us and we can still make decisions as to what we choose to do or what we choose not to do.  For the most part we have found the doctors to be caring and competent.

So now I will have the drink of wine my internist forbade but the cardiologist said was just fine.  I prefer her recommendation!

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