Friday, May 14, 2021

Languishing or Flourishing

An article in the NYT used the word "languishing" to describe the way many of us feel during this time of the Covid 19 pandemic. We're not depressed but we're not "flourishing." We have used the word "languishing" more often than usual in the last week--sometimes in a joking way. 

 When we found Scott's Corner Preserve, a new place to walk, and I was so happy to be exploring there, Jim asked if this was getting me over "languishing." Yes, it made me glad to see new territory and to be grateful to those who preserved the land for others to enjoy. 

  I made rhubarb crisp yesterday. I rarely bake because we don't need to eat sweets but I saw rhubarb at McCaffrey's on Saturday and got some. It took me almost all week to get it out of the refrigerator and put the dessert together. It smelled wonderful in the oven and it tasted delicious last night. But I just don't have the zeal for looking for new recipes. I am happy when we have leftovers available and I don't have to think of what to eat or do anything besides zap them in the microwave. That is definitely "languishing." 

 Laura wrote in her blog about needing to think of one big adventure each week and one small adventure each day. I appreciate her spirit of adventure and I mourn the loss of my own spirit of adventure. How can I be the person who used to go into New York City or Chicago by herself and enjoy the big city? A trip down State Road 27 to buy plants was as far as I went this week and even that drive on my own had me feeling a bit shaky. 

 The CDC says we no longer have to wear masks everywhere so we should be freer to do more. But that means I should think of things I want to do and find some more initiative in myself to do them. I hadn't even blogged for two weeks because there didn't seem to be any inspiration for blogging.

So here is a blog about nothing much but my musings.  I hope that in the next few months there will be adventures to write about--good adventures! 

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