Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Watch Hill Chapel Adventure


Jim was invited to give a lecture at Watch Hill Chapel in Rhode Island.  It was part of a series called "Solving the Mysteries of the Scriptures" held over three consecutive weeks.  

We left home around 9 am Tuesday morning and arrived in Watch Hill around 1:30 pm.  The ride was mostly pleasant except for the congestion around the Bronx and the George Washington Bridge.  We found the chapel first and then found our accommodations at the Misquamicut Club which was a few miles away.  We were grateful for our Apple Map app which guided us through the resort area.

We made sure we were plenty in time for the 5:30 lecture lest the event organizers got concerned.  And actually because bad weather had cancelled so many flights, the contact person was a bit concerned because he was not aware that we were basically local--not in South Bend, Indiana any more. 

The lecture went well.  There was a good turnout in a lovely chapel setting.  Jim warmed up the crowd with his great story of grandson James making not a taco but a Dead Sea Scroll out of play dough many years ago--saying maybe the Scrolls had really taken over our life. A good laugh at the beginning bodes well for the rest of the lecture!  There were many questions in a lively give and take afterwards. One unusual and maybe rather bold question was how did the study of the Scrolls affect Jim's faith.  Jim said he appreciated the care early interpreters showed and how seriously they took Scripture and felt he was a part of that tradition. 

 Two trustees and their wives took us out for dinner at the historic Ocean House across the street from the chapel.  It was very pleasant looking out over the Atlantic where the sunset still reflected pink in the east.

We found our way back to the Club and had a quiet night there with plenty of breakfast options in the refrigerator across the hall in a little lounge.  

With the advice of our dinner hosts, we made better choices for a route home and crossed the beautiful Tappan Zee bridge and then headed south on 287.  It was much less congested and a far easier ride even if close to 20 miles longer.

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