In so many ways, we are happy with our apartment but there are adjustments and issues.
Jim has been hearing a mouse in the wall in the middle of the night. Yesterday he put his complaint on the "portal" and maintenance was here promptly. They will return on Monday morning to do something about it--which may involve a hole in the wall. I fear a mouse in the house but at least the annoying scratching will be over we hope. I am not bothered by it because by that time of early morning, I have wandered to the guest bedroom--where Jim joined me last night. It was like the earlier days of our marriage pre-king-size bed.Our appliances are mostly just fine but the freezer is not large enough for what we purchase--which may be too much. So Jim coped today by finishing off the old coffee ice cream so we could find room for a new container! Ice cream for lunch!
This is not an apartment problem, but a technology issue. In order to get the Mets-Phillies game last night, we had to sign up for Apple Plus streaming. It is free for three months and then not expensive. But Jim put in his password instead of his Apple ID and there was no going back. We watched the game on his phone for a short while and gave up. The Phillies have more at stake and will be in the wild card games but our heart is with the Mets and they lost again last night. We hope to watch ND vs. Ohio State on NBC tonight with no issues! One more item to note--my gardening is limited to my moonflowers which are doing well again this year. I started them from seed in April and potted the only two that germinated in May after the danger of frost is over. With a tomato cage as a trellis they have blossomed ourside our door--just one or two a night and then they are withered in the morning. They have attracted the attention of neighbors--and maintenance too who ask about "Jack and the beanstalk."Today is a very rainy day and once again we were glad we chose a complex with garages attached to the units. When we came home from the grocery store, we got a bit of exercise climbing those steps. But at least it was dry! Jim's sister and brother-in-law will be visiting this week and I wonder what they will think of our apartment life. We think Barclay Square was a good decision.