Sunday, June 30, 2024

What Do You Think?

 I create these blog posts as a way of recording memories for Jim and me;  they become a Blog2Print book at the end of the year.  I do have at times as many as 20 readers but only one or two people ever comment.  So this time, if you are reading this post, please give us some advice in the comments or send me an email.  

As you all probably know we are trying to make a decision about getting on the list for senior housing, a continued care community in our area.    In the last week, we have talked to two younger friends who are concerned about their elderly parents having to pack up and sell a house.  Good for us!  We have done that and done that well.  Our house sold easily and our move went well.  We like our apartment and are relieved not to have the challenges of home ownership any more.  We are very comfortable here and that makes it more difficult to make a change.

So is it time to make the next big step?  It is so much easier not to even think about another move.  But it won't get any easier as we age to adjust to a new way of life.  Is this going to be our next big adventure?  And we have to do it while we are still "independent" or the authorities at the community will not accept us. 

 I would enjoy having a variety of good food available without my having to plan for it or prepare it. Apparently you don't always have to join others in the dining room.  Take-out or ordering at the cafe is an option.   It would be good to have the security of personnel available there if we had a medical emergency or a fall.  There is a cleaning service that is required.  We saw two apartments that were spacious and lovely. 

I'm sure there are lots of good people to meet.  We're probably not very interested in exercise classes or other clubs but who knows?  We are already singing with a group that meets at the community twice a month.  Some programs might be of interest.   (Our grandchildren have given dance programs there.)  A bus provides transportation to our church on Sunday mornings.  There are options for trips to local grocery stores. 

There are big financial decisions to make with various options for buying into the community.  Even if we put down a minimal deposit and get on the list, it could be quite a while until a unit we would like would be available.  

At this point, the way is not clear and the decision is not easy.  Any advice would be welcome!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate


I am alone this afternoon while Jim golfs.  I was thinking of a potential blog topic and this cartoon spoke to me.  Tonight is the first and maybe the only presidential debate--early in the process when in reality neither Trump nor Biden are the official choices of their respective parties.

It's like the lure of watching an accident along the side of the road.  The pundits write about the importance of this event--but seem to emphasize the mistakes each man could make.  I asked Jim if he was going to watch it and he said "No."  I probably won't either but I may check out comments and fact-checking as it is going on.  

Supposedly Biden has been at Camp David rehearsing for days.  Trump says he has no need to rehearse although some think he is doing more than he brags of not needing to do.  He has been disparaging the moderators even though he had agreed to these CNN hosts.  He is claiming in vulgar terms that if Biden is energetic, it is because he has taken performance enhancing drugs.

My despair is that I wish neither of these men was running for President.  Trump is a danger and his plans for another term are frightening for our country and for our world.  Biden should have allowed a younger candidate to step in months ago.  How can either one of them have such inflated egos to think that they are the best candidate possible?  And who knows, at their ages, something could still happen to change the whole picture.  Their possible vice-presidential running mates are not reassuring choices either.

I pray nightly for our country and for good leaders.  After tonight, I may add a few thoughts to this blog.  .  I am not optimistic! 

-------------We did not watch the debate.  I only briefly checked the fact checkers and despaired.  Today the pundits say Biden was weak and Trump lied.  It was a nasty debate with both men speaking in a less than civil manner.  They did not shake hands which is not surprising.  Now what?  Some are speaking of Biden's withdrawing and having an open Democratic convention.  I didn't read the same for Trump.  One Facebook friend said what about John Kasich as the Democratic candidate?  Now that would be interesting!  A moderate Republican running as a Democrat!  

Monday, June 24, 2024

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

 I woke up very early one morning last week absolutely overwhelmed by the thought of how much "stuff" we have--even after downsizing five years ago.  I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and started going through a box of organ music in the garage and a drawer full of other organ books in the spare bedroom.  I pulled out books that I could get rid of and emailed Noel Werner, our director of worship at Nassau Church, and asked if he had students that could use my music.  He did and I have a shopping bag ready to drop off at church.  

Then I emailed Katie, our granddaughter, to ask if she would take my mother's silverplate service for 8.  I have my own and don't need two sets.  At one point it was good to have so many pieces to use when we entertained more often but those times are past.  Katie was good enough to say she would take my things so the next time we saw her, we passed on the silver chest and a vase and water pitcher.

I have a bag of books to be donated to the used book sales at our local library but will add more to the pile.  I find it so hard to get rid of books I read and loved.  Maybe I will reread them someday! 

Then best of all was getting rid of the six large glass vases left from Mother's Day or birthday floral gifts which have accumulated over the last few years.  I called Plainsboro Floral and Gift where at least one originated and they were happy to reuse them.  A few days later we dropped them off knowing it's better to "reuse" than to "recycle."

After feeling overwhelmed earlier, I felt very pleased to have made progress in eliminating our possessions.  There is much more to do but I have made a start! 

-------------December 29,  Noel told me he had passed on the music to several students.  One of them played a number for a postlude at church.  Noel said he himself is learning a piece for January 5, 2025.  I am so glad the music found a home.  It was a bit of a sentimental exercise to sort through the books and remember all the times I had played pieces at our church in South Bend. 

Friday, June 14, 2024



This is a blog about doing almost nothing.  This cartoon in The New Yorker spoke to me!  Jim is so good about taking his three walks each day and getting at least 10,000 steps.  I am thankful he does so because I want him to live a long time! He encourages me to walk with him to "the ugly tree" down the path next to Mapleton Road if I haven't walked from church or in a grocery store or yesterday to meet my friend Peggy for a chat. 

I try to do my "squats" each Day--which is a crucial exercise for folks like me.   I also do a short routine I found on YouTube for those who limp because of hip problems.  And something is helping relieve my pain--along with my once a day Aleve.

I pay small amounts for Better 5 videos and then don't do them.  I never have liked group exercise classes--the ones I tried at Forever Learning in South Bend didn't work out well for me.  I am thankful for the cane Jim bought for me.  I have made my peace with using it--even in public going to church and the library.  I use it while walking in the house and miss it when I misplace it.  

I find that if I write down those bits of exercise in my "to do list" for the day, it nags at me to do them and then I get to check them off as done!  I know it is essential to keep moving for avoiding heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and all kinds of bad things.  But it is so easy to sit in my "headquarters" as Jim refers to it--the corner of the couch--while on my laptop like posting this or with my volumes to read. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Grandpa and Grandma VK part II

Yesterday Jim had the excellent experience of a new golf partner--our granddaughter's boyfriend Eli.  They met at the golf course and had a good afternoon of play.  We extended the joy by going out to eat at Mercato's, a family-owned restaurant in nearby Kingston.  

Mercato's is a deli and a very small restaurant.  There is no parking and reservations are absolutely necessary.  We brought our own bottle of wine although we did notice that they sell wine by the bottle, not by the glass..   Katie remembered my golf rule--we will listen to the story of one hole each.  I have observed that golfers could go through all 18 if allowed to do so!  Eli definitely had one to tell us about--a great birdie on number 12.  But there was lots more to talk about and we considered it a great privilege to be able to spend time with our granddaughter and her boyfriend.