Monday, June 24, 2024

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

 I woke up very early one morning last week absolutely overwhelmed by the thought of how much "stuff" we have--even after downsizing five years ago.  I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and started going through a box of organ music in the garage and a drawer full of other organ books in the spare bedroom.  I pulled out books that I could get rid of and emailed Noel Werner, our director of worship at Nassau Church, and asked if he had students that could use my music.  He did and I have a shopping bag ready to drop off at church.  

Then I emailed Katie, our granddaughter, to ask if she would take my mother's silverplate service for 8.  I have my own and don't need two sets.  At one point it was good to have so many pieces to use when we entertained more often but those times are past.  Katie was good enough to say she would take my things so the next time we saw her, we passed on the silver chest and a vase and water pitcher.

I have a bag of books to be donated to the used book sales at our local library but will add more to the pile.  I find it so hard to get rid of books I read and loved.  Maybe I will reread them someday! 

Then best of all was getting rid of the six large glass vases left from Mother's Day or birthday floral gifts which have accumulated over the last few years.  I called Plainsboro Floral and Gift where at least one originated and they were happy to reuse them.  A few days later we dropped them off knowing it's better to "reuse" than to "recycle."

After feeling overwhelmed earlier, I felt very pleased to have made progress in eliminating our possessions.  There is much more to do but I have made a start! 

-------------December 29,  Noel told me he had passed on the music to several students.  One of them played a number for a postlude at church.  Noel said he himself is learning a piece for January 5, 2025.  I am so glad the music found a home.  It was a bit of a sentimental exercise to sort through the books and remember all the times I had played pieces at our church in South Bend. 

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