Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Can I Move to Canada?

  A week ago, I googled if I could move to Canada if Trump wins the election.  The answer is No.  I am too old.  I could not get a work permit.  I could visit for a few months, but I could not stay.  In any case, I would not want to leave my children and grandchildren and I like where I am living--our apartment and our area. 

But when I think of Donald Trump as president, I am ashamed and embarrassed that such a man could be elected and could represent our country.  He lies, he insults others, he is vulgar, he incites violence and he threatens to do terrible things if elected.  Rounding up immigrants, legal and illegal, and putting them in camps?  What a horrible, demeaning idea.  Getting rid of civil service employees and replacing them with his loyalists?  Scary.  It was bad enough when he had some brakes on what he wanted to do in his previous administration. The New York Times listed 91 members of the Trump era who find him unfit to lead our country.   They see how dangerous he could be.   Calling out the military to punish his political opponents?   Would my private little blog be a reason to punish me?  I doubt it but more public folks who disagree with him are called enemies.   Would my giving a small amount to the Harris-Walz campaign mean I am an enemy?  I should have given more if it would make a difference.  

I dread the election.  I dread the days after the election when we await the results.  I dread Trump's winning but I even dread his losing if he incites violence as he did the last time.  He has done many immoral and really illegal things, but refusing to accept his loss in 2021 is maybe the most dangerous one for our country and he is setting the stage to do it again.  

I pray nightly for our country and I pray for Donald Trump--that he could have a change of heart and stop his lies and his insults to others.  Maybe he could even say he was sorry although he has said he has no need of asking God for forgiveness of his sins.  Do I really believe God can work in someone's heart?  I would like to think so and hope he hears my heartfelt prayers. 

------------Then in church last week I realized that among the sins I needed to confess was my anger towards Donald Trump when I probably should feel compassion for such an unhappy man.  He must be unhappy because otherwise he would not have such a need to disparage and insult others--a need to put others down to raise yourself up. 

-----------October 28--It just gets worse by the day.  Trump's rally in Madison Square Garden was nasty--insulting to Puerto Ricans, vulgar in comments by several including insults to Kamala Harris. He has referred to Arnold Palmer in admiring but vulgar terms.    Trump hints at his "secret" with Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, as to what they will do if he does not win the popular vote. Mike Pence was the hero in 2021.  

November 1  And on it goes.  Now Trump's  desire is to see Liz Cheney lined up with rifles pointing at her so she can see what it is like to go to war.  I hope and pray no one takes Trump's suggestion to heart and goes after Cheney.  She has been courageous in supporting Harris as one of many Republicans who have done so.  It is incredible that he can be so dangerous in his speech and get away with it.  Three more days and the votes will be in and ready to be counted.  I am afraid and have to keep praying and remembering that God is in control.  

November 5  Election Day.  We voted by mail and received notice via a postcard that our votes were counted.  The system is working in Plainsboro, New Jersey and I pray that it is working everywhere in the country and that the votes will be counted and recognized as valid and that the results will be accepted without violence.  

November 6  Trump won.  I am sick at heart.  How could so many people vote for such an immoral man who lied, was vulgar, and insulting to anyone who disagreed with him?  How can he be kept from carrying out his goal of retribution to his so-called enemies?  I downloaded a photo of him for this blog but I can't bear to put his face in it.  May God preserve our nation.  

November 10  As one pundit wrote, Trump is my president whether I like it or not.  So what can I do beside pray?  The election is over; Trump was elected and democracy worked even if I don't like it.  My opinion was sadly in the minority. I can still pray for justice and for good leaders.  But I also renewed my ACLU membership and gave an extra amount to the ACLU Freedom Defense Fund because ACLU will fight the deportations and the separation of family members.  

November 14 It gets worse by the day as we read of Trump's appointees to cabinet positions in which loyalty to him is the requirement, not expertise.  Matt Gaetz as Attorney General will no longer be invesitgated by Congress because he resigned form Congress.  We hope the Senate will refuse to confirm some of these unqualified people.  The Senate in secret ballots voted Thune as their leader and not Scott as Trump wanted.  

November 22  Gaetz withdrew his nomination.  This is good news.  Maybe there will be more--one can hope!  Hegseth as head of Defense is troublesome; Gabbard and Kennedy are not qualified.  Musk with all his money seems to be a shadow president and will have a lot of control over financing the government.  We watch Washington Week every Friday night and it is depressing. 

1 comment:

  1. I meant to write my support for your thoughtful and intelligent post a few days ago. As you know I have been out of town with family and did not get a chance to comment until now. I think you are correct that our only recourse at this point is prayer. Nancy W.
