Friday, January 17, 2025

My Book Arrives!

 I was dismayed earlier this year to find out that Blog2Print was no longer functioning.  I looked for an alternative and on the first one I tried, I was unable to go through the downloading process.  My resident IT advisor, my daughter-in-law Susan, helped me feel that the other sites were secure enough in spite of Google warnings.

So with some trepidation, I made a book using  It cost me about $30 more and I seemed to have fewer choices for the format.  It was a hard cover book and the photos looked larger.  I sent off my blog and my credit card payment and was gratified to get email responses from them--saying they had received my order and then that it was in the "print queue" and then that it was sent off.

And today, it arrived!  And I am pleased--very pleased to have one more record of "A Gift of Another Year."  2024 is published.  The last post is missing for some reason but that is my error or theirs and it is not a big deal.  I can begin next year with December 31, 2024 or Jim suggested trying to print up just that one post and put it in the back of this book.

Hooray!  The process worked! 

-------------January 20  Last night JIm spent a long time looking over my book!  I told him it's because he is a star of the book but he said he was enjoying reading it--not just because he was in it!  It's a bit strange to see how large some of the photos are but I am not feeling particular--just so glad to have a book again and a place to publish next year.

1 comment:

  1. So happy it worked out with new company publishing it for you. Sending hugs and hoping for a another blog post soon. I know you are feeling as sad as I am right now Mary....I know you understand. Nancy
