When my grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, they seemed really old. My own parents never had that opportunity. Jim's parents celebrated theirs with a traditional open house in their church basement. It's hard to believe that we too are really that old!
Our celebration started at Ocean Grove, New Jersey with 14 of us. We lived together and ate together and played together for a week and it was wonderful. On Wednesday evening, after our family photos were finished, Michael brought out a bottle of Dom Perignon and Laura toasted us with phrases including a "strong marrige" and "strong children and grandchildren" reminiscent of Michael's dad's toast at their wedding--a memorable one!
Today is the day. Jim is golfing; I did my library volunteer work both at the Francis branch and at church. I came home to two beautiful bouquets of flowers, one from Jim and one from John and Lois. I wrote out a card to Jim--from my stash. (We usually don't keep Hallmark in business.) In a few hours we will go out to eat at Tabor Hill Restaurant, always a nice ride into the country, a lovely view of the vineyards, and a good meal.
I posted a wedding photo on Facebook last year for our 49th. I am not going to post anything this year. I have sent this photo and statement to a few friends--all of whom are married.
..." to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth." Many of my friends are single and not always by choice. I don't feel like gloating in any way. I am thankful we were able to keep those vows.
One more celebration to go. I ordered two cakes from Martin's that will feed 120 people at our church picnic on Sunday. The writing will say "Celebrate 50 years with Us. Jim and Mary." We somewhat reluctantly gave permission for a trivia type quiz on each table and will see how that turns out. We hope we can celebrate many more years together! (the quiz was cancelled)
Happy happy anniversary Mary and Jim. So glad we have become friends.