Friday, March 17, 2023



We left our apartment around 4:30 knowing that traffic can be a problem and that the Black Rock Middle School show of Newsies started at 7 pm.  Our plan was to find the school and then find a fast food supper in the area. We followed our plan with ease and were in our seats in the large auditorium well before the curtain went up.

The show was amazing.  Middle school students put on quite the production with many participants singing and dancing--and even their own orchestra.  Of course, our "star" was Ruth who as a 5th grader was in the chorus. We had a hard time spotting her but happily when they danced out into the aisles, she ended up right next to us! She kept singing but we knew she spotted us too! Sam was working the sound  at a desk in the back of the auditorium.

Laura had asked if we could give them a ride home.  She was planning to go to one of the other performances.  We met up with Sam and Ruth in the crowded lobby.  It was pretty late so we decided it was not a good time for any treats afterwards.  

When we got to the car, I tried to put their address into my iphone Apple maps but there was no access available.  The kids really did not know how to get us to their house especially in the dark.  We drove along until we could get access and then I just put Gladwyne into my phone and we got to familiar streets.  We rely on our phone apps and then are helpless when they fail us! 

We briefly greeted Laura and Alex who gave us both big hugs and we left for the ride back to our apartment.  It was probably about 11:10 when we got home--pretty late for us to be out on the road.  

We are so glad that we can share in the lives of our grandchildren and still sleep in our own beds at night!

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