Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A New Jersey Adventure and a Will

The Rug in
David's Office 
Our former neighbor John O'Donnell is a financial planner and was interested enough in our situation to get information about senior housing options.  When he presented them to us (and did this all out of friendship), he strongly advised us to update our wills.  He gave us the name of an attorney he trusted.  So today we made the hour long drive to Morristown, New Jersey to meet with David Lewis in a lovely old house in a historic town.  It was a very good meeting in which David was delighted to tell us of all his Notre Dame connections--his father, his wife's father, he and his wife, and four of his five children are all Domers!  And it was a ND priest who married him and his wife in Puerto Rico. 

David was reassuring about the whole process of settling an estate in New Jersey and gave us good information along with various questions we still need to answer.  Jim will contact our financial planner (aka "wealth advisor") in South Bend and I will gather some addresses for our donations.  I felt overwhelmed but when I googled how to settle probate in Middlesex County the instructions were all spelled out.  One needs to prove that one is married or related to the recently deceased so I was wondering if our marriage license was available.  Jim looked in our strong box and sure enough, we are officially married and can prove it! 

We are really glad we have the process started and feel good that we have lived here long enough that we know folks who can help us out and make good recommendations for people one can trust.  

We had a pleasant ride home on country roads as directed by our Apple maps.  It was good to leave I 287 with all the trucks.  In fact, the only real traffic tie-up was when we had to take turns getting on the one lane bridge that crossed what may have been the Delaware Raritan Canal or Millstone Creek.  

And then to finish the day up well, the Mets beat the Phillies in a close, tense game and will go on to the National League Champion Series.  

-----------I always say Psalm 23 before trying to fall asleep.  Last night I felt the day had been one of "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."  Too many thoughts about the end for either one of us--stimulated by the day's information and decisions.  Hope I can clear all that away today!

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