My curiosity is somewhat satisfied. I have heard from a few of my blog readers and that has been very affirming and fun. Two readers came via Laura's blog. Maybe I commented once with my website posted or maybe someone just searched for my name. Another reader was a friend of our son--many years ago--and it was great to hear from him again. Still another was a friend from our former church in South Bend. I read his mother's blog too! And then there were a few folks that I did know about because they have commented or emailed before. I hope a few more will be in touch via comments or email.
One reader said he or she lived in the Netherlands and liked that I made banket and gave out chocolate letters. I smile at that connection over the miles and told him or her that I am ordering a gift package from The Dutch Store in Grand Rapids as a present for a wedding we are going to celebrate tomorrow--a good gift for a couple who are combining households and don't really need much of anything. I think they will enjoy Dutch cheeses, banket, and a tin of Wilhemina peppermints! At least it will be a one of a kind gift for them.
This is unrelated to the musings above but I am thinking how Jim and I share household duties. We brought our income tax forms to the UPS store this morning and mailed them to an accountant in South Bend that we have used for years. Jim did almost all the work of preparing them but I totaled our charitable contributions and sent for a tax receipt from one organization. I fear my ignorance if I am left to do this on my own.
Jim just took the laundry from the washer and put it in the dryer. He started up the dishwasher. I probably instigate the majority of household chores and certainly meal planning but he does more all the time.
Jim has a conference in NYC next week. He has contacted the hotel to make sure they are planning on two of us. He will call the Uber to get us into the city on Sunday afternoon. He made a restaurant reservation for Sunday night because the hotel said the restaurant is small and seating is limited. I haven't decided for certain that I am going with him. I am not mobile enough to do the big city on my own any more--so it's a matter of being alone at home or in our hotel room. Jim wants me to go along. To be determined Sunday afternoon! I'll blog from home alone or from the big city!
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