Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Who Reads my Blog Posts?

30 people read my latest blog post on "I Used to be Younger."  Who are they?  I do not know.  I know who four or five of them are.  There is one dear friend who comments regularly.  Occasionally there are junk comments with someone who is selling something. I delete those solicitations.  It is quite possible that of the 30, there are many who are just scrolling looking for people to sell things to.

I have two main goals for blogging.  One is that it helps me think things through and writing helps with that.  The other is that the blog serves as a scrapbook of sorts--a way to remember our year when I make a book in January of the previous year.  A diary with photos!  It's amazing how much one can forget and it is fun to go back and look over years past.  I always enjoy seeing how much Jim likes to look over the books of yesteryear--or even just last year.

So..if you read this blog, could you leave a comment or send me an email to  Don't worry--I'm not going the Substack route or trying to sell anything!  I guess I am just curious!  


  1. I read! I don't know you but clicked over once from Laura's blog and just keep reading. I love following your journey in gracefully aging and loving your family and country.

  2. Dear Mary,
    I also came by ways of Laura's blog and I like following your writing. So if you see a visitor from the Netherlands (though originally from Germany, and closer to Laura's age), it is probably me :-) I also love to read that you do bake your own banket staaf and gift chocolate letters.

  3. Hi Mary,
    I am the mother of a young friend of yours from Notre Dame. And we had Christmas dinner with you and Jim at her house a few years ago. I think she told me you had a blog and I've been enjoying reading about you and your family since then. My husband and I both enjoy reading and watching sports on tv so we have some things in common.
