Laura emailed that they would like to see us again--and I emailed that we needed an invitation! That invitation came immediately and we settled on the next Saturday for an early dinner.
Laura ordered out and two big bags of food arrived making everyone happy with sushi for some and teriyaki chicken for others. Plus chicken nuggets and fries for some of the younger, less adventuresome eaters. Contrary to the puzzled looks on these two eaters, they liked their meals!
We enjoyed catching up on some Conway news and then it is so good that it is just an hour's ride home to sleep in our own beds. In many ways, it was good to move cross country to be closer to children and grandchildren.
It was six years ago that we put our Granger house on the market, sold it to the first family that looked at it, spent months down-sizing and packing, moved into temporary housing in South Bend and then in Princeton, and then finally in mid-July 2019 settled into our apartment. It's almost time to sign the lease again which we will do.
The big move into senior housing is on our minds and in our prayers but we can't seem to make the next step to put down our deposit and wait for our name to come up for the size apartment we would want.
As we have discussed, you will know when the time is right for your next move. Hugs, Nancy