Friday, March 13, 2020

20 Down; 24 To Go

Those are the numbers for Jim's daily radiation therapy treatments.   Another way to look at it is four weeks done; five to go.   If all goes well, it is only about an hour out of his day with appointments from now until April 16 at 1:50 pm.  The traffic on Route One which can be awful at other times of day is not bad at that time. 

However, there is always some stress.  Jim starts drinking water about an hour before the appointment so that his bladder is full just the right amount--but not too much.   So if there is any reason to wait, it can be pretty uncomfortable.  If it is not enough to protect his bladder,  he would get sent out into the hall to drink more.  So far, he is happy to say he has done well in that regard!   But others have not, so that causes delays.  And this week there was a computer glitch which caused a two hour delay.  He was given a call enroute and came back home to wait. 

The staff at UCA (Urology Care Alliance) is very kind and we have appreciated their follow through after concerns and questions.   Jim has gotten to know the fellows who are there before him waiting.   One of the technicians has had  Bible questions for him most days.   He said he would save them up and just ask them one at a time.  These questions have been about the age of the earth, the historicity of the Jonah story, and whether Jesus' siblings have descendents on earth today.  That was an original question, I thought!   More seriously, Jim was asked if he considered himself a Christian and for that he answered "Yes."  Maybe his answers to the other questions were suspect! 

April 16 is supposed to be the last treatment although there are some buffer days after that if needed--I suppose in case of sickness or computer malfunction.  Let's hope this coronavirus doesn't delay anything from our perspective or theirs. 


  1. I am so glad treatments are going wlll, the end is in sight. Miss you two!

    1. Thanks, Nancy--and you succeeded in leaving a comment! That makes me happy!
