Friday, June 11, 2021


I really wanted freshly picked strawberries from a New Jersey farm, not Driscoll strawberries shipped from California  and purchased at McCaffrey's which often have the beginnings of mold on several berries.  It is strawberry season but I am not really into a you-pick stage of my life.   For that, one needs children or a picking partner and my partner in life is really not interested in picking berries.  He spent enough summers working in farm fields.  

But I really don't know the options for farm markets here in Princeton.   Terhune Farms looked like a possibility and they said they did have berries for sale.  However, my friend Peggy recommended Stults Farm.  I got her email enroute to Terhune Farms so I pulled off the road and and put Stults Farm into my Apple maps and headed in the opposite direction. Thanks goodness for Apple Maps as I went one mile down each of at least five different country roads.  Ridge Road to Shalk Crossing to Plainsboro Road to George Davison Road to Cranbury Neck Road. New Jersey is surprisingly rural.

I found the farm stand and got behind two gentlemen who were also buying berries.  I hoped they would not take the last one--because there were not many left.  So for $6.50 I left with my one precious box of beautiful red berries.

So this was my adventure for the day if not my solo adventure for the week.  In our retirement, Jim is the driver and I almost never go out on my own.   The problem is that when I do go out, I am uneasy about driving and finding places.  This makes me sad because I used to go into Chicago or New York City on my own and could manage trains and subways and hotels just fine as an independent woman.  Maybe this is just the way it is going to be as a woman of a certain age--or maybe I'll find my mojo again.  I do think the isolation resulting from the danger of Covid has had its effect on my life  and it's not just a matter of aging.  I hope. 

Our supper may not be the greatest tonight but there will be strawberry shortcake for dessert and that will be worth the effort.  


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