Saturday, October 8, 2022

Covid--2 1/2 years and Still Here


View from our little balcony

I blogged only two times in September.  Life is very routine and there is nothing to blog about.  That is probably good!  But I have been thinking about how Covid is still a factor in our lives.  Except....this afternoon we shopped at Target and we both forgot to put on our masks.  Mine was on my wrist--where it doesn't do any good!  Jim's was in his pocket.  When we noticed our lapse, we put them on.  Target was the first place we wore masks 2 1/2 years ago--when we saw the signs on the door telling us to do so via NJ advisories.  Target seems like such a big, open store that we don't feel too concerned about our forgetting. 

We both had another Covid booster on Monday at the CVS in Plainsboro. This was our 5th Covid shot.  Unlike our first shots,  scheduling was very easy on the CVS app on my iphone.  Jim read me the various Medicare and prescription drug numbers as I filled out the required applications for each of us. We texted the pharmacy when we were in the parking lot and they let us know when we could come in to the store.  There was a very short wait while the technician was helping someone else.  She said she gave 200 shots in a day!  Jim had no reaction to his booster.  I felt chilled and a bit nauseous and tired all day on Tuesday but was just fine again on Wednesday.  

Last Sunday our pastor was unable to worship at church because he got Covid--probably after a presbytery meeting in which one delegate let everyone know that he was positive afterwards.  An associate pastor read his sermon.  A good friend back in South Bend is isolating in her home and is frustrated by a continued positive home test.  She is tired of isolating but doesn't want to expose her family.  The days of worrying about ventilators and personal protective equipment and available hospital beds are gone but Covid is not.  So we are still careful when we remember to be careful!  May we be spared--we are thankful that we have been so far! 

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