Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The End of the Month


For the last several years, Jim has done the financial recording for us.  I used to do the checkbook but I know he was correct in thinking he could do a better job of it.  I do my own credit card bill and I usually write out the checks for donations. 

I have felt concerned that if I needed to take over the finances I would not be prepared.  So I am in training this month.  I sat next to Jim and took notes as he went through his credit card account and today our checking account.  So much is automatically deposited and withdrawn but it all should be recorded and reconciled.  Jim gets occasional royalty checks which he deposits using his iphone.  And this month, we both, to our surprise, got some medicare reimbursements for our expensive dental work.  

Next month I said that I would go through the process myself and Jim can watch me and guide me.  It's not enough for me to watch and take notes.  I need to be hands on and do it myself.  I was impressed with the time it took this afternoon and the stops ands starts when one forgets to put in the decimal point on the calculator when adding or subtracting!  (Sorry, Jim!) I also appreciate more that I need to write my numbers with greater care in the checkbook.  At least Jim didn't catch me on any subtraction errors this time!  

So why was there a $50 plus discrepancy?  Oh, one of the checks we wrote out for our maintenance folks here as a Christmas gift never got cashed.  So...we were only 24 cents off.  Not worth trying to reconcile that!  Hooray!  

I feel much more secure in thinking that I can do the finances if I have to do so, but for the time being I am grateful that my husband is willing to do so.  And I am thankful for the years we worked and contributed to social security and my pension and Jim's retirement accounts.  Our financial advisor in South Bend kept telling us to spend our money and enjoy it.  We would assure him that we spent all that we wanted to spend. And now we are grateful that we can have enough to pay our New Jersey rent and utilities without worry. 

------------March 20, 2023  Today I did the Visa bill with Jim supervising.  There were a few spots where I was uneasy but maybe next month I can do it with confidence.  

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